Saint John Chrysostom Homilies
St. John Chrysostom's Homilies on the Sermon on the Mount of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Homily XV
1. The Beatitudes
2. Light and salt
Homily XVI
3. The Ancient Law and the Law of our Lord Jesus Christ
4. Wrath and murder
Homily XVII
5. Adultery
6. Divorce
7. Oath and veracity
Homily XVIII
8. Forbearance
9. Love to our enemies and the perfect character
Homily XIX
10. Almsgiving
11. Prayer
12. The Lord's Prayer
Homily XX
13. Fasting
14. The real treasure and the eye of the soul
Homily XXI
15. Wealth
16. Life's worries and confidence in God
Homily XXII
17. Life's needs and the providence of God
Homily XXIII
18. Criticism of our neighbor
19. Exhortation to prayer
20. The golden rule
21. The two ways
22. How to recognize the false prophets
Homily XXIV
23. The words and the deeds
24. The two foundations